Boat dives

From Merimbula :

Short Point Bommie

Short PointAn excellent rocky reef dive out of Merimbula. A short boat ride of only 15 minutes from the Merimbula Marina. This bommie abounds with schools of fish, Port Jackson sharks, soft corals, sponge gardens and walls of mussels. Starting at approx. 5m in depth down to a maximum of 20m.

Also near Merimbula – Long Point to 16m , Wonderland 15-25m, The Moon 12-16m, The Canyon 10-15m

From Tathra:

Twin Peaks

Rising from 28m to within 8m of the surface are two amazing formations. The two pinnacles are only 8-10m apart with sheer walls in between that drop to 26m. It’s quite easy to make it around the base of both pinnacles in one dive and they are surrounded by an extensive system of gutters. The whole area is adorned with soft corals and colourful growth. As you spiral back up the pinnacles to the boat, hundreds of fish, attracted by the rock spires, wheel about curiously. The visibility of this dive is usually excellent as it is so far offshore and away from the influence of rain and swell.

Little Kangarutha

Only a short trip from Tathra Boat Ramp is a semi-submerged bommie with vertical walls from the surface to 18m. Covered in tulips in summer, this area holds a wide range of tropicals. To the west of the bommie is a garden of soft corals and invertebrates, and around to the south the bommie becomes a series of ridges and amphitheaters. Port Jackson’s and Wobbies are regularly found to the south hiding in the ledges and sandy gutters.

From Eden :

The CaveCave

A fifty metre swim through for divers experienced in overhead environments. A colourful cave with brilliant soft corals and gorgonian fans. To one side of the entrance are walls that drop off down to approx. 28-30m, and to the other side beautiful bommies covered in soft corals. The entrance to the cave is in about 16m. See ourĀ more info and a review of the site by Michael McFayden

Weedy SeadragonThe Chipmill ( Sea Dragon Habitat)

A divesite that enthralls the Weedy Sea Dragon lover. Located near the chipmill wharf in Twofold Bay, Eden, this is home to many of these beautiful creatures of the sea. Hovering in depths ranging from 8m to a maximum depth of 15m it is a very pleasant dive.

The Pestles

Through years of wave action, three large bowl shaped formations have been hollowed out of the sea bed south of Eden. These ‘Mortars’ offer protection to a wide variety of marine life, ranging from small colourful molluscs to schools of sleepy Port Jackson Sharks. The third ‘Mortar’ also boasting a small bubble cave. The depth range of this dive makes it ideal for all levels of divers. (5-12m)